
Studio Ludwig
2022.12.4(Sun) - 12.25(sun)
この度、clinic(東京/三軒茶屋)ではオランダ発のタフティングアートスタジオStudio Ludwig(スタジオ・ルートヴィヒ)の国内初個展を開催します。
同スタジオ主催のローラ・デ・ウェア(Laura de Weijer)は大学院で服飾デザイン科を修了した後、カール・ラガーフェルドに師事。2019年の作品発表以来、これまでFrozenFountainや‘s Zomersといったオランダを代表するブティック等で紹介されてきました。Studio Ludwig主催のローラ・デ・ウェア(Laura de Weijer)は大学院で服飾デザイン科を修了した後、カール・ラガーフェルドに師事。2019年の作品発表以来、これまでFrozenFountainや‘s Zomersといったオランダを代表するブティック等で紹介されてきました。
彼女の独自の感覚でリ・ビジュアライズされた古典図像は、表面の高低をコントロールできるタフティング製法によって新たな作品として昇華され、エキセントリックでありながらも触覚を誘惑する、まるで新生物の表皮のような不思議な魅力を放ちます。 本展では彼女のクッション形体の作品にフォーカスし、最新作17点を、作品が内包するストーリーの探索を誘発するジャングルジムのような会場で展示いたします。

ヴィーナスの裸体に降り注ぐ光、ヘラクレスの腰に巻きつく絹布。クッションに描写されたイメージは、古典絵画作品を基に、 デジタルとフィジカルなプロセスを通じて、それらのアイコンがその神聖な文脈からゆっくりと抽出されたものです。 トリミングやAIによる抽象化、大胆な色の変換、メディアの移換によって、原画の真相は変貌を遂げています。
Laura de Weijer (Studio Ludwig)
clinic (Sangenjaya, Tokyo) is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition in Japan of Studio Ludwig, a Dutch tufting art studio.
The studio's founder Laura de Weijer, who worked under Karl Lagerfeld after completing her postgraduate degree in accessories design, has presented her work since 2019 in leading Dutch boutiques such as FrozenFountain and 's Zomers. Strongly inspired by the dynamics of myth-themed Baroque and Renaissance paintings, she attempts to approach the essence of the stories depicted in these works from a visual element by cropping and color transforming the focus of the work in the reading of complex compositions. The title of the exhibition, "After", is both a tribute to historical artists and art history, and a symbolic keyword for a view of the relationship between the present and the past. The classical iconography, re-visualised with her unique sensibility, is sublimated into new works by means of a tufting process* that allows her to control the height and depth of the surface, giving them an eccentric yet tactile appeal, like the skin of a new creature, which is both eccentric and seductive.
This exhibition focuses on her 50 cm square cushion works as a medium that seamlessly links two and three dimensions, crafts of daily life and art. The jungle gym-like venue, composed of a series of flat surfaces, will encourage the viewer to explore the depth of the work.

The imagery applied to these cushions is based on historical works of art: light falling on the naked skin of Venus, folds of silk on Hercules’s crotch. Through both digital and physical processes I slowly begin to extract these icons from their enshrined context. Cropping, AI abstraction, subversive colour usage, and media transfers transform the source material beyond recognition, shedding its value in the process. Once neutralised, I can begin to make space for new meaning. These soft and fluid landscapes present themselves without fanfare or gilding--instead, inviting an intuitive reaction to the soapy, sloping shapes which mingle and intertwine with one another. The tufted wool is welcoming and functional, inviting us to reach out and touch these otherwise inaccessible works of art. The viewer blissfully unaware of their significance, as if meeting a Princess masquerading as a maid. May she be judged through this single, blind impression; free from the weight of our collective adulation.
Studio Ludwig (Laura de Weijer)
Artist Profile:
Studio Ludwig(スタジオ ルートヴィヒ)はLaura de Weijer(ローラ・デ・ヴァイヤー)によるタフティングアートスタジオ。ローラは1989年オランダのベルゲン出身。Artez University of the Artsで修士号を取得した後、カールラガーフェルドに師事。2019年にパリでStudio Ludwigを設立。現在ではオランダを代表するインテリアデザイナーDirk van derKooijの活動に参画しながら、オランダのザーンダムを拠点に独自の表現を探求している。
Studio Ludwig is a tufting art studio by Laura de Weijer. Laura was born in the Netherlands, in 1989 and studied under Karl Lagerfeld after receiving her MA from Artez University of the Arts. She started drawing small embroideries with a punch needle as her private work, and she wanted to take this to the next level, which led her to establish Studio Ludwig in Paris in 2019. Currently, while participating in the activities of leading Dutch interior designer Dirk van der Kooij, she is exploring her own unique expression based in Zaandam, the Netherlands.

Space design: Team
Supported by: DutchCulture(The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Photography: Ysunori Nakano